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A Message from the Board of Directors

Feb. 5, 2025


Dear Camp Mennoscah Family,


We wanted to reach out to let you know about a change in staffing at camp and what it means for the future. 


Jordan Miller, who has been our maintenance director for the past several years, will be leaving his position at Camp Mennoscah, effective immediately.  We would like to thank Jordan for his years of service at camp in this role.


While this change will not be easy, we are hopeful for the future at camp and will be working diligently over the next several months to continue to shape a vision for how to mold the wonderful mission of Camp Mennoscah for another 75 years.


If you are wondering how you can help during this time of transition, please know that we always appreciate your prayers for our staff, the board, and of course, our campers and guests. We are also continuing to seek funds to complete the renovation project on the Retreat Center, as well as other projects around the campgrounds to prepare for a summer of youth camps. And if you are able, we appreciate your willingness to volunteer, whether that is for the big, construction-type projects or smaller ones. Please reach out to us if volunteering is something you feel led to do in the coming weeks and months.


We appreciate all of your love and support for Camp Mennoscah. While we find ourselves in a valley at the moment, especially with the financial hardships we are facing, we have faith that we will persevere to a brighter tomorrow.


With love,


Lindsey Young

On behalf of the Camp Mennoscah Board of Directors

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